Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/2/11 - Topiary Park

Some people exercising, jogging, walking, etc. I had every intention to make it to Goodale park (wasn't feeling the idea of being inside North Market), but mistook the Topiary Park for it. Reviewing your email now, it has become abundantly apparent that Goodale is within a short distance of the market, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it. Man, I feel stupid...

1 comment:

  1. Zach,
    You're on the right track but you're still working too carefully around the edges of the figure and not WITHIN the figure. Your first drawing is a better choice for a pose - 3/4, lots of turing in the trunk, the limbs away from the torso... the others aren't bad but they're too much at a profile. Turn the form to a more 3/4 pose so we can see more of the form.
